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  • Margins/Marges/Margini

  • Aisthesis

    Founded in 2008 by Fabrizio Desideri and Giovanni Matteucci, «Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico» is a peer-reviewed Open Access Journal whose focal aim is to promote interdisciplinary and transcultural research and debate in Aesthetics and the arts. Transcending traditional subject boundaries and understanding the notion of "aesthetic" as a pervasive component of human cultures and life forms, Aisthesis innovatively integrates a major focus on the intersection between aesthetics and the contemporary sciences (biology, psychology, neurosciences) with an in-depth interest in the history of the discipline, its leading classics and great metaphysical questions.
    While adopting a renewed conception of aesthetics as the privileged point of view of its publications, "Aisthesis" nevertheless gladly accepts proposals for collaboration relating to the entire spectrum of philosophical research, without disciplinary limitations.

  • Quaderni del Liceo Parini

    Quaderni del Liceo Parini è una rivista interdisciplinare che desidera accogliere interventi di tipo scientifico, per offrire un contributo all’aggiornamento professionale e disciplinare dei docenti di scuola secondaria di secondo grado. Essa si costituisce come spazio di discussione tra i docenti del Liceo Parini, che desiderano rinnovare con una nuova serie la rivista fondata nel 1964, e si apre a docenti, studiosi e professionisti esterni al collegio dei docenti del Liceo.

    La rivista, soggetta a revisione tra pari e con cadenza annuale, è aperta a contributi disciplinari con carattere di originalità e a contributi didattici che presentino tratti di innovazione metodologica. La rivista accoglie altresì recensioni di volumi di recente pubblicazione utili per la formazione dei docenti o per proposte di lettura rivolte agli studenti.

  • Oi Dialogoi

    Oi Dialogoi prende vita e nome da una iniziativa già in essere, Interpretazioni – Reti di relazioni generate da un’opera d’arte, che stringe in una rete in via di espansione diversi attori dei Conservatori di Musica e delle Università che vi partecipano: la doppia o tripla veste (docenti, studenti, dottorandi, con fluide intersezioni più frequenti di quanto si immagini), se creativamente interpretata e gestita, consente agilità senza precedenti e si pone come generatrice di nuove relazioni.

    La vera novità di Oi Dialogoi consiste difatti in un nuovo, propositivo modo di pensare e fare ricerca, che la Rivista non teorizza, ma è e mostra, nella risultanza plurale e viva delle sue voci. Ricerca che raccorda discipline varie entro performance onnicomprensive, facendo della Musica, del Suono, della Percezione l’origine o il riflesso di esperienza e di indagine; ricerca che non ignora la specializzazione ma sa rispondere a esigenze estetiche differenti, e risuonare di «connessioni divergenti, come è per l’arco e la lira», secondo le parole di Eraclito; ricerca che non abbandona l’etica, e non perde di vista il riconoscimento del merito; ricerca internazionale, e volta addirittura a superare lo steccato del concetto di nazione, aprendosi ad altro; ricerca che è ambito difficile a definirsi a priori, e che è bene mantenga, anzi, zone dal divenire non prevedibile, aperto al nuovo e all’antico, a dinamica iniziativa personale, a sorprese e scoperte. Ricerca che, quanto alle figure formate in Conservatorio, connota e ispira vocazioni assai diverse, ognuna incarnante un differente senso della ricerca stessa. Il musicologo e lo storico; il compositore e l’interprete; il didatta e l’esperto in nuove tecnologie: tutte figure non riducibili l’una all’altra né in senso esistenziale né estetico né musicale né teoretico, eppure spesso compresenti in una medesima persona, che con fantasia ne armonizza le possibilità in movimento! Senza parlare della formazione plurima nella figura del musicista (spesso anche filosofo, o ingegnere, o linguista, matematico, letterato, poeta...) e della qualità dialogante e incircoscrivibile della missione e dell’espressione sua.

    Quanto alla definizione dei termini della ricerca, cui si è tra le righe accennato: indispensabile preliminare di cui va tuttavia preservata la qualità specifica. La ricerca in campo artistico è ancora nella sua fase di scoperta, un viaggio dove i confini tra linguaggio e libertà devono essere tessuti ad ogni nuovo contributo.

    Oi Dialogoi si dirige spontaneamente e di necessità verso un nuovo umanesimo propiziato da albe sempre nuove che nonostante tutto il nostro mondo esprime ogni giorno. Eppure qualche steccato va piantato, e la Rivista si propone di farlo, in vario modo mai esaustivo, nella speranza che il metodo aperto e l’impianto di Oi Dialogoi ispirino nuove sollecitazioni e vedute.


    Fin dall’inizio il progetto (e successivamente anche questa rivista) è stato supportato e finanziato dal Conservatorio F.A. Bonporti di Trento e Riva del Garda; ringraziandone gli organi direttivi tutti, sottolineiamo la visione virtuosa e lungimirante dell’istituzione.

  • Antropologia pubblica

    AP-Antropologia Pubblica is the six-monthly, peer-reviewed and open-access journal of the Italian Society for Applied Anthropology (SIAA). With an interest in the critical and interlocutory dialogue between anthropologists and the public space, AP welcomes contributions committed to a plural, open, and fruitful dialogue with institutions, organisations and social groups in order to trigger and enhance transformative knowledge and processes.

  • Itinerari

  • B@belonline

    B@belonline (ISSN: 2531-8624) is an annual peer reviewed journal, fully open access, founded in 2002 with the aim of promoting discussion and dialogue within philosophy, offering the international scientific community a free space to share ideas and research.
    Its scope is to rethink the fundamental questions of philosophy, in particular those of ethics and the thought of difference.

  • Journal of Adorno Studies

    The "Adorno Studies Journal" (ASJ) was founded by Martin Shuster and Kathy Kiloh in 2011 to foster inquiry into Adorno’s thought and to make the results of this research available to the scholarly community. After having published three issues, the journal is now ready to resume operation with a different look and feel and new direction under the editorship (in alphabetical order) of Samir Gandesha, Johan F. Hartle, Antonia Hofstätter, Han-Gyeol Lie and Stefano Marino.

  • Metapsychologica - rivista di psicanalisi freudiana

    Metapsychologica is a journal established in 2019 on the initiative of the School of Freudian Psychoanalysis (SPF) with the aim of rehabilitating, revitalising and updating the Freudian project of psychoanalysis as a science of nature.

  • Quaderni materialisti

    “Quaderni materialisti” è ad un tempo una rivista di storia delle idee e di elaborazione teorica.

    Vi vengono raccolti, da una parte, contributi sulla storia del materialismo, ben sapendo che del materialismo non si dà storia nella forma lineare di una tradizione, che la storia del materialismo è storia di campi di battaglia e di progetti di emancipazione che sono stati fatti oggetto di controffensive ideologiche ma anche di torsioni dogmatiche; dall’altra contributi che propongono nuove elaborazioni all’interno del campo materialista, saggi in cui la ricostruzione storica e l’elaborazione teorica sconfinano l’una nell’altra, perché l’elaborazione teorica rende visibili nuove strade, nuove ricostruzioni storiche, e le ricostruzioni offrono nuovo materiale alla teoria.

    Infine, contributi che discutono la posizione materialista non in senso astratto e atemporale ma attraverso tutti i dibattiti e i risultati raggiunti dalla ricerca scientifica, storicizzandoli e passandoli al vaglio critico.

    Il termine “Quaderni” indica la raccolta di elaborazioni aperte e provvisorie piuttosto che sistemi definitivi e in sé conchiusi, richiamandosi in questo a una feconda tradizione che va dai Quaderni del carcere ai “Quaderni rossi” e ai “Quaderni piacentini”.

    Il materialismo ci inchioda infatti al qui ed ora della congiuntura, ci mostra gli ingranaggi del dominio e le illusioni su cui di volta in volta si regge, rendendo inaccettabile la sofferenza e lo sfruttamento.


    "Quaderni Materialisti" attualmente è presente nell'elenco delle riviste scientifiche per le aree 11, 12, 13 e 14 dell'Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR).

  • I.S. MED. - Interdisciplinary Studies on the Mediterranean

    Interdisciplinary Studies on the Mediterranean

  • Studi politici

    La rivista Studi Politici pubblica lavori originali di ricerca con una prospettiva ampia e interdisciplinare, proponendosi di diffondere conoscenze trasversali e di aprire un confronto tra studiosi di diverse impostazioni e discipline. Gli scritti proposti per la pubblicazione sono sottoposti al processo di double blind peer review.

  • Transculturale

    The project “TransCultural. Passages through sciences, practices of transformation”, represents a physical and “mental” place, in Gregory Bateson's sense of “aggregations of ideas”.


    We live in a transnational age, in which all geographies and cultures lose their boundaries, redefine themselves and are in turn redefined. “Transnationalism” embraces different connotations depending on how it manifests itself: through migrants and artists experiences, in diasporas and cultural nomadism or in the dialectic of the feeling of belonging and non-belonging, of inclusion and exclusion.

    We all live in borderland and we should consequently get used to thinking, acting, and educating. The transition from borderline to borderland should make us look differently at the various cultures, experiences, values and survival strategies of those who inhabit, guard and cross borderlands.

    Compared to a borderline where one must necessarily stay either on this side or on that side, in a borderland one is more often in the middle, without being able to say whether one is more on one side or the other, feeling indeed a little here and a little there (Anzaldúa, 1987; Clifford, 2008).

    For this reason, we should work together to find the ways of a better human coexistence that have so far been disregarded by the ideologies of multiculturalism and interculturalism.

    The transcultural dimension assigns a crucial role to “alterity” in the construction of identity. “Alterity” indeed, can foster authentic relationships between cultures (against any form of synthesis), because it increases the capacity to deeply explore one's own experience.

    This perspective urges us to decolonize the monocultural mind and to rewrite the "history of the Other" (NgugiwaThiong'o, 1986; de Certeau, 1975).

    In particular, within the social, anthropological, psycho-pedagogical and psychiatric sciences (Devereux, 1975; Leff, 2008; Goussot, 2013), the transcultural approach has proven to be particularly valid in educational and aid relationships to promote processes of inclusion and contrast any form of assimilation of "cultures of origin" to the dominant culture.
    In the last three decades, these areas of research and intervention have allowed to break down borders, embrace cultural changes, open spaces and build new notions of "law", "health", "coexistence" and "belonging ".

    More specifically, in the field of contemporary art and literature studies (D'haen, 2012; Rosendhal Thomsen, 2008; Reichardt, 2018), due to the equally decisive role attributed to art in the fabrication and/or decipherment of cultural contamination, the dimension of hybridization and métissage has emerged as the lifeblood of a new "poetics of Relation" (Glissant, 1990).

    Talking about a transcultural perspective therefore means placing it in a pedagogical, ethnographic, historical, anthropological, psychological dimension of multi-sited research and analysis aimed at the interdisciplinary crossings highlighted today by the fluidity of communications.

    The journal can only show itself as dynamic and crossing, usable by those who want to recognize themselves as "border operators", capable of synchrony with a world in motion.

    The magazine can therefore only show itself as dynamic and crossing, usable by those who want to recognize themselves as a "border operator" ready for possible responses to a world in motion and a nomadism of thought, necessary to cross the "thresholds of competence" that often block our thinking / acting. The proposed mental attitude is similar to the methòrios, that is, the one who is on the border: even if he has his gaze in his region, it extends beyond the border and his ear can thus listen to the reasons of the other.

    The current situation seems to suggest that it is not enough to stick only to a “neutral” and “institutional” mandate, ignoring the internal and external movement that every cultural process requires and produces.

    For this reason, with a transdisciplinary perspective, the journal wants to be open to contributions from different fields of scientific knowledge. In this direction will be highlighted paths of ideas, educational practices, researches in multicultural contexts, stories of people forgotten in a hurry, in an era that seems to have no desire and time to think and go beyond a  "commercial" vision of existence.

    We are aware of the challenge that awaits us in such difficult times, full of concerns of various kinds. Precisely for this reason we want to offer the possibility to think, hope and r-exist to all of us, transcultural operators of the third millennium!

    We look at the “TransCultural” Journal as a laboratory of ideas and experiences, reflections and testimonies, collected in the present and projected into the future, articulated in permeable sections.

    The first: Crossings between sciences. The underlying motive behind this section of the journal can be summarized by the words of Clifford Geertz: "the purpose of anthropology is the broadening of the universe of human discourse". Geertz himself gives us an exemplary demonstration of how interdisciplinarity can constitute the privileged ground for this extension.
    In his article "From the native point of view, on the nature of anthropological understanding" (Geertz 1983), he takes up two concepts coined in an entirely different context by the psychoanalyst Heinz Kohut. Two modes that can be applied to several disciplinary fields: the dimension of a knowing "close to experience" (experience-near) and the dimension of a knowing "far from experience" (experience-far).

    The first mode could be translated as 'participant observation', 'empathy', 'immediate transferal dimension'. The second mode as a 'work of thought and culture', as a 'theoretical reflection' that contributes to a broader understanding of the observed phenomena.

    For Geertz, the two modes become fertile only if they fertilize each other, in the classic dialectic between praxis and theory.

    This creativity applies not only within a given disciplinary area, since concepts drawn from another discipline can fertilize the understanding of phenomena that are usually considered from a different discipline.

    The complexity of our time requires a special effort of thought: without falling into a superficial eclecticism, it is a matter of compensating the tendency to hyper-specialistic response and the temptation of ideological adherence to a given discipline, with an opening of knowledge that combines transcultural and interdisciplinary.


    Second section: Transformation practices

    In this section, we collect written works, ideas and experiences that open the doors to change here and now. At the present moment, imagining the change and transforming the world emerge as pressing needs.

    Thinking philosophy as the thought of the experience and taking up wise discourses that have been neglected over time, are methods that offer each and every person the possibility to turn everyday life into a laboratory where an alternative to the current crisis can arise. 

    We will particularly welcome those contributions that, from specific observation points of theoretical and methodological fields (from transactional anthropology to the ethnography of migration, from psychoanalysis to the philosophy of identity, from postcolonial studies to migrant literature, up to critical and transcultural pedagogy) have:

    highlighted projects, paths, results, strategies and approaches oriented towards a critical reflection on the processes of people and communities development.

    aimed at the creation of new practices and skills in the health and social field and at the design of new "curricula" in the field of education,

    investigated the processes and effects that the adoption of certain policies in this field produces on the working trajectories of operators. 

    Moreover, the presentation of case studies, empirical research in multicultural educational contexts and past or current pedagogical experiences, will also be appreciated.


    The third section: Transcultural memories in contemporary and curatorial artistic practices. This section, under the scientific direction of Stefano Polenta, is dedicated to different ways in which transcultural memory is articulated inside some contemporary artistic practices linked to experiences of migration, exile, diaspora, transnationalization; but also to some examples of innovative curatorial projects which propose alternative visions about exposition practices, memorialization and archiving of the past, highlighting connections with contemporary times and their postcolonial configuration.

    Furthermore, this section is dedicated to the examination of 'case studies': from digital cinema to figurative art, from transcultural literature to music, from theater to comics. Testimonies and critical reflection are intertwined among them, offering a look at the complex and layered interconnections between cultural, geographical, historical, economic and social contexts of Europe and the contemporary world, with particular attention to the Mediterranean area, recognizing in global processes of migration and in their historical formation an essential element for understanding the present.


    Impossible conversations. Imaginary or real interviews with "classics". Impossible conversations with characters and works that have marked past centuries (but also the present) with their lifes, dialogues that allow scientific knowledge. These are the guidelines on which this section is based. It will be possible to dialogue with Tina Modotti or with Rita Levi Montalcini, with George Devereux or with Rainer Maria Fassbinder, with Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa or with Paulo Freire, with Italo Calvino or Gregory Bateson, with Ernesto De Martino or Maria Montessori ...


    The Zenodotus of Ephesus Shelf. A book and a film a month.

    Precious stones. Selected articles. Wilhelm Grimm, preparing to publish the seventh edition of Kinder- und Hausmärchen (1857), faced with the difficulty establishing an origin and a line of continuity of the fairy tale, resorted to the metaphor of a precious stone shattered, the splinters of which, scattered on the soil covered with grasses and flowers, can be discovered only by one eye which is more penetrating than the others. The metaphor came to mind by dedicating a section to essays published in the periodical press or in collective volumes that have marked cultural history.


    Moving pictures. Photos album in composition. Black and white portraits of philosophers, artists, scientists… heretics, rebels, indomitables, excommunicated, exiled, transformed, disavowed… But also of places / non-places, languages ​​of lands, borders, encroachments.

    Taken into account the perspective assumed by the journal, we believe that the principle of multilingualism is fundamental, so each author may submit his/her contribution in his/her mother tongue, in the spirit of sharing and maintaining the originality of his/her work (the editorial board will proceed to the translation, if necessary).

    Alfredo Ancora - Raffaele Tumino

  • Kritik. Rivista di letteratura e critica culturale

    “Kritik. Rivista di letteratura e critica culturale” is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal (Area 10), published by the Department of Humanities of the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa with the contribution of scholars and authors of various nationalities. The biannual publication aims to be a critical workshop focusing on the relationships that develop between literature and the other arts and sciences, as well as new trends in current studies and the transnational dimensions of literature and cultures. “Kritik. Rivista di letteratura e critica culturale” publishes contributions in various languages (Italian, English, German, French, Spanish) and contains a monographic and a miscellaneous section.


    This journal is publish thanks to Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa (Napoli).

  • Gli Artisti dei Laghi

    Gli Artisti dei Laghi, rivista dell’Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, è dedicata allo studio di una precisa categoria storiografica di maestranze specializzate, provenienti da un medesimo, circoscritto, bacino territoriale: le aree vallive e subalpine comprese tra i laghi di Como, Lugano e Maggiore. Gruppi strutturati di artefici altamente specializzati nei settori edilizio, scultoreo e pittorico, organizzati su base dinastico-corporativo, che operarono dall'Alto Medio Evo fino alla Contemporaneità, estendendo il loro raggio d’azione, progressivamente, dall’Italia all’Europa, sino a nuovi contesti operativi d’oltreoceano.


    Gli Artisti dei Laghi, journal of the Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, is devoted to the study of a distinctive historiographical category of specialized artists, coming from the same, circumscribed, territorial basin: the valley and subalpine areas included among the lakes of Como, Lugano and Maggiore. Structured groups of masters specialized in the construction, sculptural and pictorial sectors, organized on a dynastic-corporate basis, who are documented from the High Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age, extending their range of action, progressively from Italy to Europe, up to new working contexts overseas.

  • Rivista Internazionale di Studi Leopardiani

  • Giornale di Filosofia

  • Filosofia Morale/Moral Philosophy


    The Italian Society of Moral Philosophy, following its statutory act, has established Filosofia Morale/Moral Philosophy, a new scientific, digital, open access, double blind journal.

    The publication of Articles, Discussions and Reviews does not have any fees for authors.

    The journal aims to be a common space for research, open to the contribution of all people involved in the study of ethics, and capable of promoting a sense of belonging to the scientific community of moral philosophers.

    Filosofia morale/Moral Philosophy publishes Articles, Discussions and Reviews in the field of moral philosophy and neighbor disciplines (politics, theoretical philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of language, anthropology, religion), in a pluralistic perspective, open to the different traditions of thought and the different approaches animating the ethical debate. The journal hosts historical, theoretical, applied and interdisciplinary contributions. The contributions can be written in Italian, English, French, German, and Spanish, provided they are written or revised by a native speaker.

    The selection criteria are argumentative precision, originality of the thesis, accuracy of documentation, as well as propriety and respect for every person, also in the expression of objections and critiques to authors.

    The journal hosts three sections: Articles, Discussions and Reviews.


    The Articles section is non-thematic: contributions are published on any topic that falls within the area of moral philosophy broadly understood. All scholars are invited to contribute.

    Articles can be submitted throughout the year by uploading them anonymously in the appropriate section of the site:

    Proposals are assessed on a double-blind basis. Publication takes place in the first available issue.


    The Discussion section is thematic: the first issue was devoted to the theme Where is moral philosophy headed to? hosting contributions by Laura Boella, Piergiorgio Donatelli, Adriano Fabris, Luca Fonnesu, Bruno Moroncini and Paola Ricci Sindoni.



    Interested scholars are invited to submit contributions.

    Submissions should be between 20,000 and 30,000 characters in length, including spaces and bibliography. They should be uploaded anonymously to the following address:

    Proposals are assessed on a double-blind basis.

  • Scenari

  • Acronia

  • E|C

    E|C is the journal of the Italian Association for Semiotic Studies. Established in 2005 and directed by Gianfranco Marrone, E/C publishes papers about various fields of structuralist Semiotics produced by international research groups. The mission of E|C is to contribute to the advancement and dissemination of Semiotics as a theory of signification as well as a critique of the languages of contemporaneity. E|C is a quarterly journal. Each number is monographic and presents the results of semiotic analyses of socio-cultural phenomena such as media, use and practices of space, design, gastronomy, tourism, photography, music, or it discusses theoretical/methodological themes such as narrativity, subjectivity, passionality, aesthetics. E|C uses double blind peer review system for all articles it publishes.

    E|C is ranked as a class A journal by ANVUR (the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes).

    E|C is a DOAJ indexed journal -

  • Dialogoi. Rivista di studi comparatistici

  • Autobiografie. Ricerche, pratiche, esperienze

  • Ponti/Ponts

    Ponti / Ponts is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal of Francophone cultures: from Quebec and Canada to sub-Saharan Africa, from Belgium to the Caribbean, from Maghreb to Switzerland and Valle d'Aosta, to the other French-speaking areas all over the world, the entire Francophonie is concerned.

    Each issue of the journal, which appears once a year, presents critical studies, unpublished texts, and a vast repertoire of reading notes concerning the linguistic, literary and cultural works of the different French-speaking countries. Critical essays and creative texts are put together in a thematic section, which may also include linguistic studies; these can also relate to free subjects.


    Issues by Mimesis (

    Rêves, fantômes, fantasmes, n. 14/2014

    Bars, cafés, buvettes, n. 15/2015

    Odeurs, senteurs, parfums, n. 16/2016

    Jouer avec les mots, n. 17/2017

    Fleuves, océans, ports et navires, n. 18/2018

    Univers de la radio, n. 19/2019


    By Cisalpino (

    Enfers, n. 1/2001

    Bestiaires, n. 2/2002

    Voyages, n. 3/2003

    Astres et désastres, n. 4/2004

    Enfances, n. 5/2005

    Mariages, n. 6/2006

    Présences du mythes, n. 7/2007

    Monstres, n. 8/2008


    By Led Edizioni

    Saintetés, n. 9/2009

    Hantises, n. 10/2010

    Centre-villes, villes et bidonvilles, n. 11/2011

    Pouvoirs de la parole, n. 12/2012

    Épidémies, n. 13/2013

  • Teoria e Critica della Regolazione Sociale / Theory and Criticism of Social Regulation

    The Theory and Critics of Social Regulation (TCrs) journal aims to develop a research on philosophy of law and in general on critical theory in the social sciences and philosophy. Hereafter are the most important research topics of the journal: hermeneutics, epistemology and legal aesthetics, “law and literature”, rhetoric and legal arguments, “law and humanities” and “critical studies”, bioethics and new technologies. 
    The research program is based on the necessity to critically analyze the social bond institutive processes. The hypothesis is that the study of these processes requires the elaboration of a general theory of law and institutions that should be able to surmount the nationalistic paradigm, on the basis of critical remarks on current problems, such as: symbolic forms and social bond; European identity; post-national legitimacy; forms of governance and procedural turn; crisis of regulation processes and new models of subjective identity. 

  • Aesthetica Preprint

    Aesthetica Preprint is the four-month open access journal of the Società Italiana di Estetica (SIE). The journal aims at giving an account of the aesthetic research in Italy, but it offers also relevant contributions from foreign scholars. It presents miscellaneous numbers composed of essays by various authors, single researches of a wider scope, working documents, editions of small classics, and exceptionally proceedings of conferences and seminars. The essays, all subjected to peer review, are written in Italian or English and accompanied by abstracts in English. Founded in 1983 by Luigi Russo as an instrument of the International Center of Aesthetics Studies, it has been published by Mimesis since 2017.

  • Mechane

    “Mechane” is an international journal that focuses on the question of technology, seen not only as a crucial topic for our present, but also as an essential question about the human condition as a whole. Philosophy of technology is meant as a theoretical framework that holds together different enterprises: ontology of the present, anthropology ad genealogy above all. The journal aims at being a meeting point – and an arena – where different and often disconnected traditions can confront with each other and communicate. Its purpose is to integrate different philosophical perspectives and fields of research concerning technology, in order to create an exchange with other disciplines and with hard sciences. From this standpoint, “Mechane” welcomes multidisciplinary contributes from many different research areas, such as history, anthropology and social sciences, neurosciences and psychology, engineering and linguistics. The contributions will be published in Italian, English, German, French and Spanish.