Il pacifismo giuridico: dall'idea cosmopolita al pacifismo attivo

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Come citare

Di Pietro, F. (2024). Il pacifismo giuridico: dall’idea cosmopolita al pacifismo attivo. Teoria E Critica Della Regolazione Sociale. Recuperato da


This paper traces the genesis of pacifism in Kant’s “Perpetual Peace”, outlining his proposal for international harmony through principles of republican governance and cosmopolitan law. Kant emphasized the moral imperative of peace as foundational for the progress of humanity. Expanding this idea, Norberto Bobbio’s theory of nonviolence is explored, highlighting the importance of promoting the futility of warfare.

Luigi Ferrajoli’s hypothesis of global constitutionalism is a key element in the discussion. He proposes a “Constitution for the Earth” to guarantee justice and peace worldwide beyond national boundaries. However, significant challenges must be addressed to achieve its implementation.

The paper’s conclusion emphasizes the need for active political engagement to promote unity and brotherhood among people worldwide. It suggests that developing a feeling of global kinship is crucial to prevent future conflicts and create a harmonious world based on mutual respect.

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