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Submission Preparation Checklist

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission file must be uploaded in a strictly anonymous form and without references that allow to find out the name of the author.
  • Authors have to include abstracts and keywords using English language in the article.
  • I hereby declare that this article is my original work, a part from any permitted third party copyright material I have included, and does not infringe any intellectual property rights of any other person or entity and cannot be construed as plagiarizing any other published work, including my own published work.

Author Guidelines


The review has two Issues every year.
Each number includes a Monographic Section, a section of Essays (Miscellaneous), and a section of Notes (Book Review).
The articles for the Monographic Section must be submitted within the deadlines set out in a specific call for papers.
Authors have to submit articles for the Essays (Miscellaneous), and Notes sections to the journal at any time. They will be published once the referee’s process is over, in the provisional graphic form sent by the author in the ‘Latest articles’ section, and then inserted in the Essays and Notes sections in the Issue following their publication.
Articles can be submitted in Italian, French, Spanish, German, and English.

Articles will be first evaluated by the journal’s Editors-in-Chiefs and, if considered of interest for the journal, they are subsequently sent to external specialists to be evaluated according to the double-blind peer review method. Should an article receive positive feedback from external experts too, it will be accepted for publication. Should feedback be positive but revisions or integrations suggested, these will be communicated to the author. In this case, the article will only be published if the author will revise it based on the received comments.
Authors are further expected to conform to the editorial rules below. Articles that do not conform to these rules will be sent back to the authors. The journal reserves the right to not publish articles that consistently fail to conform to editorial rules.
The submission has not been previously published.



Authors should carefully check the conformity of their manuscripts to our editorial guidelines. In particular, they should obey the following requirements:

After the author’s name and surname in italics, please use plain font for the title of the paper (Times New Roman, 14-point font). After the surname, in a footnote (Times New Roman, 10-point font), authors should indicate a valid email address and their academic affiliation and qualification, where applicable.

Articles should be accompanied by an initial Abstract (150 words) and five keywords. The index of paragraphs must be shown at the beginning of the article, after the abstract and keywords.

The papers for the Monographic Section cannot exceed 60,000 characters, including footnotes, spaces, and bibliography.
The Essays may not exceed 60,000 characters, including footnotes, spaces, and bibliography.
The Notes cannot exceed 30,000 characters, including footnotes, spaces, and bibliography. Submissions which exceed this length will not be considered.

The submission file is in Microsoft Word “Times New Roman” document file format, 12-point font (10-point for quotations). The text is single-spaced; please use italics, rather than underlining or bold (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

The contributions must be divided into numbered and titled paragraphs, according to this method of numbering and titration: 1. First paragraph; 2. Second paragraph; and so on. The title of the paragraph is detached from the text of the previous paragraph by TWO lines; the text of the paragraph is detached from the title by ONE line.

Due attention should be paid to the use of single or double quotation marks. The first are to be used when highlighting a word or expression (e.g., the so-called ‘civilized’ society), the second only when reporting another author’s word or expression (e.g., Smith’s “impartial spectator”).
Full quotations should be between “ ”. If their length exceeds 40 words they should be displayed as separate from the main text (Times New Roman, 11-point font).
Any intervention by the author within the quoted text should be indicated by placing it in square brackets. For omissions, three points in square brackets will be used: [...].
Authors can use footnotes: Kuhn 1970 [1962]: 15
References in text and footnotes should normally be written as: Vicarelli 1977: 15-18. The bracketed form Vicarelli (1977: 15-18) should be used when the reference is part of a sentence. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
When quoting from, or making reference to, either reprinted or translated material, the main reference should always be made to the edition the quotations are taken from, while the year of the original edition should be put between square brackets.
- in text and footnotes: Kuhn 1970 [1962]: 15
- in the references: Kuhn T.S. 1970 [1962], The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

References should be listed at the end of the paper as follows:

Goodrich P. 2013, Legal Emblems and the art of law, Cambridge: University Press.

Shionoya Y. (ed.) 2001, The German Historical School, London and New York: Routledge.

Fox C. 2019, “What’s Special about the Insult of Paternalism?”, International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 70 (2): 1-23.

Kryburg H.E. 1995, “Keynes as Philosopher”, in A.F. Cottrell and M.S. Lawdor (eds) 1995, New Perspectives on Keynes, Durham: Duke University Press: 7-32.

Basu S. and B. Bundick 2012. “Uncertainty Shocks in a Model of Effective Demand”, NBER Working Paper No. 18420.

Brett J.A. 1994, Medical Plant Selection Criteria Among the Tzeltal Maya of Highland Chiapas. Pd.D. diss., Berkeley: University of California.

Graeber D. 2010, “On the Moral Grounds of Economic Relations. A Maussian Approach”, OAC PRESS Working Papers Series 6. Available at: http:/ (accessed: May 5, 2015).

Rodrik D. 2004, “Rethinking Growth Policies in the Developing World”, Draft of the Luca d’Agliano Lecture delivered on October 8, 2004, in Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Torino, Italy. Available at: (accessed: December 12, 2016).

This Journal does not charge any fee for publication.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.