Inclusione, ritrazione o relazione? Note sui rapporti interordinamentali a partire dal concetto di confine

Come citare

Auletta, G. (2020). Inclusione, ritrazione o relazione? Note sui rapporti interordinamentali a partire dal concetto di confine. Teoria E Critica Della Regolazione Sociale, 1(18), 137-152. Recuperato da


This work takes the cue from the concept of border in the Modern Age and its contemporary crisis, to discuss Habermas’ proposal of a world domestic policy (Weltinnenpolitik). The analysis is conducted through constant references to the alternative model constituted by Lindahl’s works. Finally this paper does some critics to the strategy of holding-back-to-hold-out proposed by Lindahl like the only way to fix a correct relation between two legal systems divided by a “fault line”.

Keywords: crisis, border, legal systems, fault lines, word domestic policy, Habermas, Lindahl.
