Soggetto Istituzione. Freud con Kelsen nella scienza del pensiero di Giacomo B. Contri

Parole chiave

Sigmund Freud; Identification; Law of motion; Subject as institution; The First Law

Come citare

Pediconi, M. G. (2024). Soggetto Istituzione. Freud con Kelsen nella scienza del pensiero di Giacomo B. Contri. Teoria E Critica Della Regolazione Sociale, 2(27). Recuperato da


This article configures the intellectual encounter between three thinkers, Sigmund Freud, Hans Kelsen and Giacomo B. Contri: an encounter that gave rise to an unprecedented concept in the history of thought, the ‘subject as institution’. We will discover a Kelsen who, more Freudian than Freud, corrects him, and a Kelsenian psychoanalyst who renews psychoanalysis through the conception of law: this is the encounter that allowed Giacomo Contri to realise a normative foundation of the subject, an original and unique conception in the psychoanalytic field. In the hope that it would be fruitful for the law itself.
