Homo homini homo. Tre caverne: relazione e schermo

Parole chiave

Sacrifice, humanities, virtual reality, Plato, Fuller, Levi, Carbone

Come citare

Heritier, P. (2024). Homo homini homo. Tre caverne: relazione e schermo. Teoria E Critica Della Regolazione Sociale, 1(26). Recuperato da https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/tcrs/article/view/3380


The article set up the relationship between the three caves of Lon Fuller’s speluncean explorers’ case, Plato’s cave myth in Carbone’s reading, the new digital/ VR 360° “cave”. Other metaphorical or real caves (from those painted by prehistoric man to the concentration camp cave described by Levi) open the possibility of a theory inspired by the ideal of homo homini homo, in its opposition to the theological-political models of homo homini lupus and homo homini deus. What emerges is a possible an-thropological theory of the foundation of social bonding and law based on a reconfigu-ration of the idea of sacrifice.
