Sguardi artificiali: strategie di enunciazione della visione macchinica

  • Francesco Mazzucchelli


The article focuses on the strategies of enunciation and textualization of the “machine point of view” in movies. Through the analysis of a corpus of films and tv series, the article aims at proposing an “archaeology of machine vision” (as well as robot vision, android vision, computer vision) in contemporary imagery, as it is mise en scène in popular culture audiovisual texts. The analysis pinpoints the manifold enunciational markers employed to signify the transition to a non-anthropic perception scheme and the installation of a “machinic subjectivity”. The aim of the analysis is tracing the evolution of some textual forms of machine vision’s representations in terms of narrative roles and axiologies, so to better understand the diverse textual translations of different “epistemologies of the machine” circulating in our culture.

Come citare
Mazzucchelli, F. (2020). Sguardi artificiali: strategie di enunciazione della visione macchinica. E|C, (30), 123-134. Recuperato da