Intuition and inspiration in the lyrical space of creation
pdf (Italiano)

How to Cite

Man, I. (2024). Intuition and inspiration in the lyrical space of creation. Dialogoi. Rivista Di Studi Comparatistici, (10). Retrieved from


Intuition and inspiration in the lyrical space of creation represent the metaphorical atom of a work of art, the creative essence that can no longer be divided into parts. Along the process of metamorphosis from lyrical to physical space, the work of art gains expression with the artist’s direct relationship with his own intuition, which, according to Benedetto Croce, is a spiritual activity with three determinants: to be lyrical, cosmological and total-izing. Intuition and inspiration, essential attributes that give art the quality of a way of (self-)knowledge, expres-sion and personal and artistic development, play an essential role in decanting the messages and emotions expressed by a work of art. These factors stand out espe-cially in the works of some artists from the last historical periods, starting from the 19th century, along with the development of aesthetics and the philosophy of arts.

pdf (Italiano)