Metafore spinoziste nella teologia politica dell’ebraismo
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How to Cite

Pellecchia, F. (2024). Metafore spinoziste nella teologia politica dell’ebraismo . Dialogoi. Rivista Di Studi Comparatistici, (10). Retrieved from


The essay develops the relationship between the political theology of Judaism and the “subversive” language of the political theology of Spinoza and Spinozism, as it is perfectly analogous to the principle of correspondence or complementarity which made the resolution of the wave/particle dualism possible in this regard of the structure of matter and electromagnetic radiation established by quantum theory in modern physics. The same intellectual audacity underlying the epistemological turn of the correspondence principle authorizes affinity. on the historical-philosophical level, between the Spinozist denial of Judaism and the transformations of Jewish theology that it induces. But there was also, starting from the end of the century. XIX, a way of being interested in Spinoza that is specifically Jewish, as is attested by the works on the Jewish roots of Spinoza’s thought, in particular on his relationships with Maimonides and Gersonides. Spinoza increasingly becomes the theoretical paradigm of the modernization of the Jewish spirit. Moreover, the critical literature on Spinoza’s thought in the century. XX is dominated by the intense confrontation between those who see in him the bearer of an authentic internal challenge to Judaism, and those who, moved by a request for homologation, see in the Spinozist challenge an im-portant problematic node for the history of the Jews in the modern, which identifies in Judaism an open perspective on historical and philosophical questions of broader importance.
Exemplary, in this sense, is the long theoretical debate that engaged the two most representative intellectual figures of the philosophical culture of modern Judaism, such as Hermann Cohen and Leo Strauss.

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