Il punto divino e il rovesciamento della prospettiva terrestre: Dante, Paradiso XXVIII-XXIX
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How to Cite

Pinto, R. (2024). Il punto divino e il rovesciamento della prospettiva terrestre: Dante, Paradiso XXVIII-XXIX. Dialogoi. Rivista Di Studi Comparatistici, (10). Retrieved from


In Dante’s perspective of Paradise, elements or concepts of great significance come together. Among them: point, angels, love, cosmos. The provocation in the modern reader causes estrangement whereby the cosmic vision undergoes a cosmological interpretative temptation. Starting from the divine point, the metaphorical atom of pure energy whose ‘loving’ explosion generates the universe, the article analyzes the different but complementary perspectives according to which Dante describes the structure of the cosmos, metaphysical in canto XXVIII (the hierarchies angelic of the celestial spheres) and theogonic in the XXIX (the creation of the universe).

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