Call for papers
The theme for the sixth issue of the Moral Philosophy Discussions section is: Artificial Intelligence: challenges and controversies
The topic is addressed from an ethical perspective and can be treated with reference to the following issues:
- What are the possible risks of dehumanization associated with the emergence of increasingly complex and efficient forms of artificial intelligence?
- How can AI and the proper use of algorithms be regulated?
- How can AI be used to promote human capabilities such as autonomy and power?
- How do algorithms act on issues of freedom and personal identity?
- How does the concept of responsibility change in a context of actions mediated by artificial intelligence?
- What impact can the development of emotional AI forms have on human-machine interaction?
- What are the disruptive effects of an unlimited use of AI?
- How should we respond to the fact that the AI industry creates new forms of inequality in terms of monopolies and concentrations of wealth?
- What prospects does collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence open up in areas that have long been typically human (such as the arts, engineering or health care)?
The deadline for submissions to this discussion is September 20, 2024. The contributions, between 15,000 and 30,000 characters in length, must be uploaded in anonymized form at this link:
The Italian Society of Moral Philosophy, following one of its statutory purposes, founded Filosofia Morale/Moral Philosophy, a new digital scientific journal, open access and subject to double-blind review. The journal intends to be a common space of research, open to the contribution of all people involved in the study of ethics and capable of promoting a sense of belonging to the scientific community of moral philosophy.
Moral Philosophy publishes contributions in the field of moral philosophy and neighboring disciplines (politics, theory, aesthetics, language, anthropology, religion), in a pluralist perspective, open to the different traditions of thought and the different approaches that animate ethics. The journal hosts historical, theoretical, applied and interdisciplinary contributions.
Contributions may be written in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish, provided that they are written or revised by a native speaker by the author.
The selection criteria are the argumentative rigor, the originality of the theses and the accuracy of the documentation, as well as the correctness and respect of each person, even in the expression of objections and criticisms towards the authors.
The journal has three sections: Articles, Discussions, and Reviews.
The Articles section is not thematic: contributions between 30,000 and 50,000 characters (spaces, bibliography and notes included) are published on any topic that falls within the area of moral philosophy broadly understood. Proposals for contributions may be submitted throughout the year. Proposals are double-blind reviewed. Publication shall take place in the first available issue.
The Discussions section is thematic: contributions between 15,000 and 30,000 characters are hosted, relevant to the topic that is indicated for each issue in the Call for papers section: Proposals are double-blind reviewed.
The Reviews section hosts contributions of no more than 15,000 characters, with no notes or bibliography, concerning volumes of interest to moral philosophy broadly understood.