eXistenZ: “terroristi e nuovi realisti”
pdf (Italiano)


virtual reality, cinema, realism, phenomenology, image

How to Cite

Taddio, L. (2021). eXistenZ: “terroristi e nuovi realisti”. Scenari, (7), 70-81. Retrieved from https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/scenari/article/view/1212


This essay aims at examining the perception of virtual reality starting
from the analysis of the relationship between a direct perceptive experience
of the film image and the appearance-reality dichotomy. The connection
between image and reality will be considered as a “phenomenon”
of the experienced reality. This appearance could be understood in
terms which are not properly “subjective”. The cinematographic image is
considered as a virtual look at the reality of the visible. The essay would
like to show some possible research guidelines which are meant to focus
on cinema according to a “realist” perspective and a methodology which
is in line with the ecological approach by James J. Gibson, with the experimental
phenomenology by Paolo Bozzi, and the philosophy of “New

pdf (Italiano)