“Scenari. Rivista semestrale di filosofia contemporanea” aims to propose itself as a cultural reference for heterogeneous disciplinary fields in dialogue with each other: contemporary philosophy (Aesthetics, Theoretical Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy), Cinema and New Media, and Visual Culture Studies. In recent years, Mimesis has gradually expanded the number of its authors, readers and collaborators, to form a small galaxy in the Italian intellectual landscape in the field of philosophy. Hence the idea of a journal attentive to the hot topics of the contemporary debate, able to focus on current philosophical discussions and with the aim of proposing original approaches. The topics include theoretical reflections that extend to the wider domain of socio-political life, always maintaining a scientific vocation in the exposition of essays. By encouraging the exploration of different domains of art, related to specific problems of philosophy, “Scenari” presents the reader with in-depth arguments on topics such as image theories, approaches to virtual reality, visual intelligence, gender ideology, music, intermediation. Without privileging a particular philosophical current, the journal tries to investigate possible points of intersection between European continental philosophy and Anglo-American traditions. Solid scientific committees attributable to different disciplinary fields are the quality's guarantee of the essays published here, which will offer the reader an immediate overview of the contemporary debates that animate European and intercontinental universities.
“Scenari” is an open access biannual journal. “Scenari” use a double-blind reviewing procedure.
ISSN cartaceo 2420-8914
ISSN digitale 2785-3020
The journal is currently indexed in:
- Settori 11/C1, 11/C3, 11/C4 - Classe A ANVUR
- Area 11 e 14 - Rivista scientifica ANVUR
- Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici (ACNP)
- The Philosopher’s Index.
Mimesis supports self-archiving. Authors of journal paper are encouraged to deposit the published version in their institutional repository or any suitable subject repository on publication.
Peer Review Process
The peer-review process contributes to the development and expansion of a coherent and rigorous scientific network and offer a guarantee of the quality of the work of the authors and of the institutions that support them.
After the manuscript has been received, Editors and the Board of Directors read the paper and evaluates the submission; they will make an initial decision as to whether the manuscript is likely to be a candidate for review.
If the manuscript is selected for formal review, editor selects and invites appropriate reviewers, at least two. Reviewers are chosen for their expertise related to the subject matter.
The peer review process is double-blind: reviewers and authors are kept anonymous. After the reviewers have submitted their evaluations, the editor and editorial team will make a final decision on the manuscript.
Editors communicate the decision to the authors (accept, invitation to revise, reject). For papers invited to be revised, editor will outline what would be needed for revisions.
Open Access Policy & Copyright Notice
"Scenari" is an open access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY-4.0).
This license allows anyone to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and also to adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose.
The works must be properly attributed to its author. Though it is not necessary to ask further permissions, you are kindly requested to inform the Journal Board or the authors for every reuse of the papers. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
The authors retain all rights to the original work without any restrictions.
Article processing charges, article submission charges and any other fees are not requested.