Code of Ethics



RISL - Rivista internazionale di studi leopardiani is a peer-reviewed journal based on the code of ethics developed by COPE: The following ethical requirements must be known and shared by authors, reviewers, editors and editorial board members.

Chapter I. Editors and Editorial Board 

Art. 1 Correctness

The editors evaluate the articles submitted for publication on the basis of their content only, without any discrimination of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, citizenship and political orientation.

Art. 2 Confidentiality

The editors and other staff members shall not disclose any information about submitted articles to any other person other than the author, the editorial board and the publisher.

Art. 3 Decision on the publication of articles

The decision to publish or not to publish submitted articles rests with the editors and, if necessary, with the editorial board.

Art. 4 Accessing and storing data

Contributions are made public through the publication of the journal issues.


Chapter II. Reviewers

Art. 5 Contribution to editorial decision

Reviewers participate in the decision process about publishing submitted articles, together with the editors and the editorial board. They also help authors to improve their contributions.

Art. 6 Adherence to deadlines

Reviewers who do not feel qualified for the proposed reading, or who know that they will not be able to complete it within the required timeframe should inform the editors in a timely manner.

Art. 7 Confidentiality

Any text assigned for reading must be considered confidential. It must not be discussed with other people without the permission of the editorial board.

Art. 8 Impartiality 

The review must be conducted objectively; any personal judgement on the author is inappropriate. Reviewers must give adequate reasons for their judgements.

Art. 9 Recommending and reporting texts

Reviewers shall indicate the bibliographical references of essential works that may have been overlooked by the author. They shall also inform the editors and the editorial board of any similarities or overlaps between the text and other known works.

Art. 10 Conflict of interest and disclosure

All information obtained during the review process is confidential and must not be used for any other purpose. Reviewers should not to accept articles for which there might be a conflict of interest due to previous collaborative or competitive relationships with the author and/or their institution.

Chapter III. Authors 

Art. 11 Originality and Plagiarism

Authors must declare that they have composed an original work in all its parts, and that they have quoted all the texts they have used.

Art. 12 Multiple, repetitive and/or competing publications

Authors should not publish articles presenting the same research in more than one journal. Submitting simultaneously the same text to more than one journal is an unethical and unacceptable behaviour. If the contribution has been previously published, this must be reported to the editors, who will decide whether to republish it (in the same form, or revised).

Art. 13 Sources

Authors must always provide accurate reference to the sources and the contributions mentioned in the article.

Art. 14 Attribution of the work

All the authors of the article should be duly acknowledged. All those who have made a significant contribution to the creation, planning, realisation and revision of the research on which the article is based must be indicated as co-authors. If other persons have significantly taken part in some stages of the research, their contribution should be explicitly acknowledged. In the case of co-authored contributions, the author submitting the article should declare that they have correctly stated the names of all other co-authors, and that they have obtained their approval of the final version of the article and their consent to publish it in RISL.

Art. 15 Conflict of interest and disclosure

By submitting their article to the journal, authors implicitly declare that there are no conflicts of interest that might have influenced their results or interpretations.

Art. 16 Errors in published articles

If authors identify a significant error in one their articles, they must promptly inform the editors and the editorial board and provide them with all the details they need in order to point out the necessary corrections at the end of the article.