
Current Issue

No 23 (2023)
Published February 6, 2024

Ponti / Ponts is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal of Francophone cultures: from Quebec and Canada to sub-Saharan Africa, from Belgium to the Caribbean, from Maghreb to Switzerland and Valle d'Aosta, to the other French-speaking areas all over the world, the entire Francophonie is concerned.

Each issue of the journal, which appears once a year, presents critical studies, unpublished texts, and a vast repertoire of reading notes concerning the linguistic, literary and cultural works of the different French-speaking countries. Critical essays and creative texts are put together in a thematic section, which may also include linguistic studies; these can also relate to free subjects.


Issues by Mimesis (http://mimesisedizioni.it/)

Rêves, fantômes, fantasmes, n. 14/2014

Bars, cafés, buvettes, n. 15/2015

Odeurs, senteurs, parfums, n. 16/2016

Jouer avec les mots, n. 17/2017

Fleuves, océans, ports et navires, n. 18/2018

Univers de la radio, n. 19/2019


By Cisalpino (http://www.monduzzieditore.it/cisalpino)

Enfers, n. 1/2001

Bestiaires, n. 2/2002

Voyages, n. 3/2003

Astres et désastres, n. 4/2004

Enfances, n. 5/2005

Mariages, n. 6/2006

Présences du mythes, n. 7/2007

Monstres, n. 8/2008


By Led Edizioni  http://www.ledonline.it/index.php/Ponts/issue/archive

Saintetés, n. 9/2009

Hantises, n. 10/2010

Centre-villes, villes et bidonvilles, n. 11/2011

Pouvoirs de la parole, n. 12/2012

Épidémies, n. 13/2013

Full Issue


Myriam Kissel
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