L’immagine della città nelle strategie enunciative del discorso turistico: il caso di FUTOUROMA

  • Luigi Virgolin


Tourist communication plays a leading role in the processes of construction, reworking and stabilization of cultural identity. The tourist discourse, today more than ever a powerful machine generating imagery, finds its effectiveness and its preeminent language above all visually. This occurs as a result of precise enunciative strategies which entail a greater or lesser distance between the coenunciators, a different modulation of the thematic role of the tourist inscribed in the enunciated text, a gradual oscillation between simulacra of tourist and daily doing. One aspect to highlight, for example, is the insistence with which the current communication on tourism focuses on the forms of experience that travel can offer and which, from a semio-linguistic perspective, responds to a progressive subjectivisation of the visual enunciation. The contribution presents a semiotic analysis of the video produced by the tourist communication of the city of Rome to present FUTOUROMA, the recent Strategic Tourism Plan. The goal is to verify which image of the city is staged by the tourist discourse, what are the profound enhancements that innervate it and through which enunciative and discursive strategies of audiovisual language.

Come citare
Virgolin, L. (2020). L’immagine della città nelle strategie enunciative del discorso turistico: il caso di FUTOUROMA. E|C, (30), 441-449. Recuperato da https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ec/article/view/784