Infopoesia: l’enunciazione poetica dei dati

  • Salvatore Zingale


Infopoetry is a neologism that combines the words “information” and “poetry”, on the cast of the best known infographics. It is a poetic form of data visualization developed within the didactic DensityDesign final synthesis design studio of the School of Design of the Politecnico of Milano.
The infopoetry, born as an individual exercise to better deal with the communicative variables of the plane of expression, has a dual purpose: (i) to show the data, and (ii) to make them feel, seeking the emotional involvement of the user. Compared to infographics, the act of enunciation is here more evident, because the enunciating designer is called to expose himself as subjectivity and intentionality. The enunciator in fact explicitly declares his point of view on the phenomenon represented through a discourse (or staging) that aims to make tangible the aspects of the plan of content considered most relevant, through a plan of aesthetically relevant expression.

Come citare
Zingale, S. (2020). Infopoesia: l’enunciazione poetica dei dati. E|C, (30), 366-373. Recuperato da