Strategie di opacizzazione dell’immagine e prassi enunciative nel discorso fotografico. A partire da tre “ritratti” di Man Ray

  • Francesca Polacci


The paper proposes a critical overview of the concept of the enunciative praxis, in relation also to a semiotic theory of image. A critical review is followed by a second part in which a close examination is addressed to three photos by Man Ray. The photos are explored as “portraits” (or self-portraits) of the artist. The photo’s analysis highlights some significant aspects of the enunciative praxis concept, its critical points and some possible consonances with the semiotic theory of image.

Come citare
Polacci, F. (2020). Strategie di opacizzazione dell’immagine e prassi enunciative nel discorso fotografico. A partire da tre “ritratti” di Man Ray. E|C, (30), 153-162. Recuperato da