Effetti di verità nelle immagini giornalistiche

  • Marianna Boero


People today are strongly searching for truth. Despite the increasing use of information content from blogs and social networks, the newspapers are still considered one of the most reliable sources. Nevertheless, in the reconstruction of facts and news, even in the sources considered more objective, a form of manipulation is always implemented. In the act of assessing the truth of an enunciate, the semiotic approach let emerge a problem of translation of values and the relevance of the persuasive effectiveness of languages. The problematic of saying-the-truth replaces the idea of the ontological (or referential) value of truth. The relation between utterances and images will be analyzed by taking into consideration a corpus of journalistic pictures on the topic of the climate change, aiming to survey the documental function of images, through the detection of effects of truth.

Come citare
Boero, M. (2020). Effetti di verità nelle immagini giornalistiche. E|C, (30), 145-152. Recuperato da https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ec/article/view/755