The Death of Muses. The first stage of the mechanism of immortality
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Moan, I. (2021). The Death of Muses. The first stage of the mechanism of immortality. Dialogoi. Rivista Di Studi Comparatistici, (8). Recuperado a partir de


Considering the fine line between the real and the ineffable, between the artist and the work of art, one can observe, in the contemporary era, an increasingly distant detachment from mimesis and an approach for diegesis. This contemporary  period of the end of art – of the death of art, as Danto defined it – overlaps at the metaphysical level with the death of the muses, as long as existence is in pure coincidence with creation, and the creator with a moment of waiting of his own self- ecoming. Thus the death of the muses is a metaphor for the detachment of the art creator (named god – through the inherent decisional power), from the incipient inspirational idea, from the seeds of life born from the sparkle of thoughts and the condition of genius. Compare to the artistic concept, there is a paradoxical analogy with the bildungsroman, the novel of formation and self-discovery, of the life after death, of the death of the end, as long as artistic creations last through their own capacity to fascinate.

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