Gaston Bachelard : pour une pédagogie de l’erreur, de la désobéissance et de la nouveauté
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Bachelard, pedagogy error, evaluation error, Prometheus complex, opening.

How to Cite

Bulcão, M. (2023). Gaston Bachelard : pour une pédagogie de l’erreur, de la désobéissance et de la nouveauté. BACHELARD STUDIES - ÉTUDES BACHELARDIENNES - STUDI BACHELARDIANI, (1), 31-42. Retrieved from


Taking the benefits of error as a pedagogical maxim, whether in the construction of new concepts or in the creation of new images, Bachelard argues that a true school must replace the dogmatic and conservative spirit with the creative spirit. The other aspects that will help us deepen his contributions to the current school are related to what Bachelard calls the Prometheus Complex. According to him, two precepts must be retained from the mythical figure of the hero: the first is the drive towards greater well-being, towards the tendency to surpass oneself; the second, which deserves to be underlined, is that the hero imposes himself as a symbol of disobedience. The text will show that Bachelard maintains, in epistemology and poetics, that the act of creation is fed by denial and disobedience to what was previously learned, through socialization processes, proposing that the pedagogical journey should always be oriented towards novelty. Considering that education is always linked to the issue of training, which fundamentally translates into a reform of knowledge and of the subject itself, it is concluded that training as a reform is the way to arrive at the new pedagogical spirit that will serve as an influence for a type of an innovative school, understood as a place of culture, essentially based on the dynamism of a new spirit of openness.

pdf (Français (France))