La memoria del male. Rimorso, ricordo e oblio nello sviluppo dell’identità etica

  • Aldo Pisano
Keywords: Memory, Forgetting, Ethics, Identity, Thinking


This paper focuses on the relationship between memory, forgetting, and moral identity. It analyzes how moral actions influence ethics through thinking. The ‘inner dialogue’ is a crucial process in the individual moral development, especially with regard to the memory of evil actions. Good and evil experiences (factual memory) create representations of good and evil as qualities (value memory) for individuals, while both remembering and forgetting can improve moral judgement and decision-making.

How to Cite
Pisano, A. (2024). La memoria del male. Rimorso, ricordo e oblio nello sviluppo dell’identità etica. Filosofia Morale/Moral Philosophy, (5). Retrieved from
Memoria e oblio nella storia. A cura di Fabrizia Abbate e Orietta Ombrosi