RISL, the International Journal of Leopardian Studies, is the only academic journal specifically dedicated to Giacomo Leopardi. It was founded in 1999 by Emilio Speciale, who was its editor until his untimely death in May 2017. RISL is now continuing its publications under the new direction of Tatiana Crivelli and Patrizia Landi, and with the collaboration first of Cesati publishing house and now of Mimesis publishing house. The editorial line inaugurated by its founder will continue to welcome "with the utmost ideological openness, critical contributions chosen exclusively on the basis of their scientific nature; a forum for in-depth, informative and lively discussion" on one of the greatest poets and Italian thinkers, not only of the nineteenth century.

The journal is available also on the University of Zurich website.


The journal is currently indexed in the list of scientific journals for Area 10 of the Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR).

RISL is also indexed in the following databases:

  • Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici (ACNP)
  • Google Scholar


ISSN 1129-9401