Malvagità e estetica: teorie recenti

  • Stefano Calabrese
  • Valentina Conti


According to Marie-Laure Ryan, one of the fundamental characteristics of digital media introduced in the 1990s is their reactive and interactive nature, where "reactivity" means the response to changes in the environment or to unintended actions of the user, and for "interactivity" the response to a deliberate user action (Ryan 2004, p. 338). Now, one of the new forms of storytelling is immersive fiction, a narrative where the text recounts events in a simulated world and in which it is the user who governs a character or identifies with him, as in a video game.

Come citare
Calabrese, S., & Conti, V. (2020). Malvagità e estetica: teorie recenti. E|C, (20), 10-18. Recuperato da