Frammenti e dettagli di “guerra”: S. George documenta Calais

  • Francesca Polacci


This contribution would like to show, in a small way, the vitality and the grip of the proposal in Neo-baroque: a Sign of the Times on a contemporary discursive formation. One of the most recurring themes in the current media universe concerns the migrants to whom it is assigned, taking two recurring formulas to the extreme, or the role of invaders or that of victims, activating abused rhetoric. Among the looks that do not conform to these two prevailing configurations is that of Sylvian George, a documentary maker who filmed the jungle of Calais. The two films were released respectively in 2010 and 2011 and constitute two chapters of a single project entitled Figures de guerre.

Come citare
Polacci, F. (2020). Frammenti e dettagli di “guerra”: S. George documenta Calais. E|C, (24), 261-276. Recuperato da
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