Scoperta e descrizione. Lavoro d’équipe e grandi corpora nell’analisi semiotica

  • Daniele Salerno


This contribution comes from the experience of working in group analysis within the project “The cultures of Linux and open source” coordinated by Piero Polidoro at the University of Rome - LUMSA. The project required both work between semiotic analysts and the comparison with scholars from other disciplines. This experience led me to question myself about team work in Semiotics: a dimension that, together with technologically assisted analysis, is necessary when dealing with the analysis of large and complex corpora and in interdisciplinary contexts.

Come citare
Salerno, D. (2020). Scoperta e descrizione. Lavoro d’équipe e grandi corpora nell’analisi semiotica. E|C, (24), 161-168. Recuperato da
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