Testi giuridici e pratiche di lavoro. Per una semiotica delle organizzazioni

  • Paolo Sorrentino


The paper aims to present a research on the texts and practices that participate in the construction of meaning in the framework of everyday life, caught in its making within the – as complex, as discussed – bureaucratic organization par excellence: the public administration. The final aim of the study is the development of a semiotic analysis methodology, of a possible route (Marsciani 2007), to be tested in the framework of these complex work environments.

Come citare
Sorrentino, P. (2020). Testi giuridici e pratiche di lavoro. Per una semiotica delle organizzazioni. E|C, (25), 116-122. Recuperato da https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ec/article/view/471