Turismo, memoria e identità in Africa occidentale. Il caso del Memoriale della schiavitù di Cacheu (Guinea-Bissau)

  • Marco Maggioli
  • Claudio Arbore


The Cacheu Slavery Memorial project aims to develop the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the region of the same name, closely linked to the birth of the Atlantic world and the slave trade, with the objective of promoting local development through the economy of culture and tourism practices, from diasporic and international to local. Tourism in Cacheu became the dimension within which tenitorial resources are valorized and the local heritage takes on economic and social significance in addition to its scientific and cultural value. The tourist attractiveness of the Slavery Memorial is developed at different scales

Come citare
Maggioli, M., & Arbore, C. (2022). Turismo, memoria e identità in Africa occidentale. Il caso del Memoriale della schiavitù di Cacheu (Guinea-Bissau). E|C, (35), 146-162. Recuperato da https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ec/article/view/1960