Una pandemia “dimenticata”. Strategie di testualizzazione dell’influenza spagnola durante l’emergenza di Covid-19

  • Mario Panico


The main goal of this paper is to investigate how texts related to the Spanish Flu pandemic (1918- 1920) are used to interpret the Covid-19 emergency. In particular, starting with the idea proposed by Omar Calabrese in relation to the collective “taste” of history, and taking into account a corpus of American, Italian and British online media, I consider the various semiotic strategies of “presentification of the past” and “prognostication of the future”, as well as how the texts of the pandemic past in the early twentieth century have been considered as epistemic sources to which to refer and a historical experience from which to learn.

Come citare
Panico, M. (2021). Una pandemia “dimenticata”. Strategie di testualizzazione dell’influenza spagnola durante l’emergenza di Covid-19. E|C, (32), 85-93. Recuperato da https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ec/article/view/1506