Les échelles du temps

  • Eric Landowski


Viral epidemics are processes in which temporality constitutes an obviously essential relevant variable; we all experience the feeling that time is out of order; the continuity of time and space is torn and fragmented at all levels.
But first of all it is necessary to distinguish between different time scales; the current pandemic as a singular event is but an illusion due to the timescale we are embracing.
There is a microscopic scale, which is that of physiological and pathological processes; a mesoscopic scale, which only allows us to see the closest evidence, what we personally experience; and the macroscopic scale, specific to the ecological determinisms that must be used to account for the emergence of the disease in the history of relationships between species.
The following text focuses on the mesoscopic level, to highlight some specificities of our covid experience: the temporale suspension – along with the threat of pure, dramatic and final discontinuity; the behavior of a virus that appears to have intentionality, a "motivation"; a strong intensity united with a long duration; an exceptional time drawn to a final end, a victory which will only be achieved with great effort.

Come citare
Landowski, E. (2021). Les échelles du temps. E|C, (32), 26-33. Recuperato da https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ec/article/view/1499