Topie, eterotopie, pandemie e altri accidenti dello spazio

  • Riccardo Finocchi


This contribution focuses on three key concepts developed through the analysis of some phenomena which became quite common, especially due to the COVID19 pandemic. The latter, in fact, has had a profound impact on the daily practices of human beings. The three concepts are: spatiality, city and mediality. The analysis of these concepts allows to reframe the semiotic relationship between topical spaces and heterotopias as a function of digital spaces. In this sense, some phenomena involving space will be clarified, including: the cities visited by drones during the pandemic or the extraordinary prayer that Pope Bergoglio celebrated in March 2020. Keywords: heterotopies, pandemics, space, drones, Bergoglio

Come citare
Finocchi, R. (2021). Topie, eterotopie, pandemie e altri accidenti dello spazio. E|C, (31), 13-19. Recuperato da