“Il tempo è una lama sottile, che tutto cancella e tutto fa superare”

Retoriche del tempo nei malati terminali di cancro in Hospice

  • Annamaria Fantauzzi Università di Torino


This paper faces on the perception of the time for a terminal cancer patient admitted to the hospice of Aosta (Italy). The project explores the anthropological vision of time, the perception of a patient at the end of his life and the management of care realized by health professionals. Moreover there is an issue about the relationship between the researcher and the context: how to explain the presence of the anthropologist to the patient, to his family and to the team?

Come citare
Fantauzzi, A. (2024). “Il tempo è una lama sottile, che tutto cancella e tutto fa superare”. Antropologia Pubblica, 2(1), 47-58. https://doi.org/10.1473/anpub.v2i1.18