“Non so più che giorno è”

Recupero dal coma, eterocronia e ricerca antropologica

  • Andrea Ravenda Università di Perugia


This article refers to an ethnography of specific practices and events in facilities to treat people with acquired severe cerebral lesions. It will focus mainly on the impact that the systematic representation of different time segments may have on the complex experience of people (and families) crossing the so-called phases of "coma recovery scale". Connecting ethnographic fragments of biomedical (clinical practice), relational (role of the family) and bodily (suffered person) dimension it will analyze the transformative and generative tension between the different space-time segments in new naturalization processes. In other words, this article will argue the heterochrony of chronotropic showing the complex experience of agency emerging from their conflicting social effects.

How to Cite
Ravenda, A. (2024). “Non so più che giorno è”. Antropologia Pubblica, 2(1), 135-150. https://doi.org/10.1473/anpub.v2i1.24