Antimilitarist battles on the armed island. 40 years of struggles against the war in Sicily


Since the Allies landing in July 1943, Sicily’s role as an armed island under the control of the United States of America with an anti-Soviet function was defined. A long process of militarization begins. In 1981 the decision by the USA and NATO to install 112 nuclear-tipped Cruise missiles in Comiso provoked the development of an important pacifist and anti-militarist struggle with anarchists among the main protagonists. In the summer of 1983, the attempts to occupy the base and the protests met with a harsh police reaction which sealed the defeat of the movement. Almost thirty years later in Niscemi the installation of the MUOS satellite communications system met with a strong popular reaction which put the usa in difficulty; antimilitarism proves capable of hindering war projects, as happens in the acute phase of the conflict. The fight continues today.

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