
  • 2420-9775

  • Four-monthly

  • Filosofia e Cultura

  • blind peer review


"Logoi" is a plural
Plural as a multiplicity of expressions that characterize thinking and thoughts. ‘Languages ​of thought’, ‘Languages of philosophy. Not ‘Philosophy of language’ or ‘languages’, because here the subject is not Philosophy and its Logos, but logoi and the multiple ways of saying. Indeed, next to the conceptual ‘saying’, there is the language of ‘images’; there is the language of music, there is the narrative language, the language of movies and that of sciences. 
Plural, before the thinking: the richness of the world.
Because philosophy is not born from books but from things (E.Husserl). And, so, we must return to the things themselves, zu den Sachen selbst. Concepts comes ‘from’ things. They are not un-conditioned. So philosophy is never ‘first’, but always ‘second’. In fact, the non/philosophical, the symbol, the pre-conceptual «gives rise to thought» (P.Ricoeur) and it becomes a wellspring, even for conceptualization. A thought that is ‘poiesis‘, a ‘poietic’ act. This is the origin of both philosophical Denkenand arts (M. Heidegger). In this way, languages ​and disciplines are revealed in their parallelism, as parallel lines that never meet, but find their own meaning in connection. Para-allelon: the one with the other: mutual recognition. The ‘thing’ in the game, after going through this prism of images, music, movies, literature, is the same or not? Richness of the plural reflection.
Plural as dialogue, as dialogues between different languages and different disciplines.
It’s not an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary one, but dia-logue, where the maintenance of difference (linguistic, epistemological, disciplinary) may allow the ‘opening’ for enrichment, encounter, confrontation, discovery. They are dia-logoi between different disciplines. Philosophy, indeed, is not painting; music is not cinema; literature is not psychology and exactly for this reason is possible to make a comparison, a discussion (H. G. Gadamer), which becomes a circle of languages (circle of dia-logoi).
Plural as the plurivocity of philosophy: not only theoretical but also pratical plurivocity.
In fact, a critical thinking is always a political thinking and the first political ‘praxis’ of philosophy is its intrinsic ‘paideia’. Indeed, philosophy that does not communicate itself is nothing and theory which does not questions its teachability is not really critical thinking.
Plural as international.
It’s not for fashion or for façade but for needing to meet the other where one is, in his linguistic world. Indeed, we think and write always with others and for others. Plurals.

Editorial board

Giampiero Arciero Pio Colonnello F. De Natale T. Domingo Moratalla F. Henriques Luca Illetterati P. Mena Malet B. Roberti J. Rohbeck R. Savage G. Taylor Ch. Watkin

Editorial office

Gemma Adesso Sterpeta Cafagna Michela Casolaro Barbara Cioce Martina Iaffaldano Matteo Losapio Fabio Lusito Laura Parente Valentina Patruno Luca Romano Bianca Roselli Michele Sardone Francesca Sgarro Di Modugno