“Grandi dimissioni” e pedagogia del lavoro
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How to Cite

d’Aniello, F. (2023). “Grandi dimissioni” e pedagogia del lavoro. Transculturale, 2(2), 39-48. Retrieved from https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/transculturale/article/view/2681


The subjectivation of man at work is produced by the animating principle of neo-liberal capitalism and governmentality: competition. Performance, understood as the measure of each individual’s ability to compete in the market arena, is linked to it. Thus, becoming competitively performative is the watchword and, consequently, otherness is perceived as the enemy. The pandemic emergency has helped to make people reflect on the ontological weight of the totalisation of the productive power faculty dictated by neo-liberal relations of production and its even pathological drifts. It has allowed human beings to rediscover their fragility, that weakness of being that allows them to open up to others and perceive them as neighbours. It has, therefore, contributed to the explosion of the phenomenon of great resignation, which, in addition to other causes, has as its protagonists precisely the rejection of the competitive and performative logic and the desire to care for human relations. The aim of this article is to propose pedagogical lines aimed at celebrating such care, focusing on the training of the competence to act with responsible commitment in view of a “grateful relationality”, the weaving of ethical-educational relationships and an authentically educating collaboration. 

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