Per un’epistemologia dei concetti psicoanalitici. Considerazioni a partire da F. Baldini, Transfert
Metapsychologica 2023/1


philosophy as epistemology of concepts, philosophy of the concept, French-style historical epistemology, history of science, Gaston Bachelard, Georges Canguilhem, epistemology of psychoanalytic concepts, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, epistemic singularity of psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic concepts, empiricist reduction, biological reduction, sociological reduction, philosophical suture, Louis Althusser, experimentalism, method.


Starting from a comparison with Franco Baldini’s recent volume, Transfert. Sette lezioni sulla teoria freudiana del trattamento psicanalitico, this paper will aim to develop some remarks on the nature of what I have called the epistemology of psychoanalytic concepts. In the first section, drawing extensively from the French epistemological tradition (particularly Gaston Bachelard and Georges Canguilhem, but not only), I will try to explain what it means to exercise philosophy in the manner of an epistemology of concepts. In the second section, I will explain what I mean by the epistemology of psychoanalytic concepts and why it turns its attention to Freud’s and Lacan’s reflections. Finally, in the third section, starting with some reflections developed by Baldini and other SPF members, I will frame the issue of experimentalism in psychoanalysis within the boundaries of the epistemology of psychoanalytic concepts.
