Città come preda di René Pollesch, liberamente ispirato alle ricerche dello spaceLab

Parole chiave

René Pollesch, Stadt als Beute, postdramatic theater, spaceLab, theatrum philosophicum

Come citare

Karschnia, A. (2024). Città come preda di René Pollesch, liberamente ispirato alle ricerche dello spaceLab. Kritik. Rivista Di Letteratura E Critica Culturale , 3. Recuperato da


The contribution investigates through the work Stadt als Beute the theatre of René Pollesch. Such theater is a dramatic discourse, just as the discourse of philosophy is a theater, the theatrum philosophicum, that is, as Deleuze puts it, a “series” that takes place in a “multiple, polyscenic, simultaneous theater, fragmented into scenes that ignore each other and make signs, and where without representing (copying, imitating) anything, masks dance, bodies shout, hands and fingers gesticulate”.
