Evoluzione e resilienza nello spazio flegreo: la collina di Posillipo e l’isola di Procida tra fonti bibliografiche e iconografiche
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Evolution, resilience, campi flegrei, architecture, landscape.


Borriello, M. (2023). Evoluzione e resilienza nello spazio flegreo: la collina di Posillipo e l’isola di Procida tra fonti bibliografiche e iconografiche. Kritik. Rivista Di Letteratura E Critica Culturale , 2. Abgerufen von https://mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/kritik/article/view/3130


The contribution analyzes the aspects and issues related to the evolution and resilience in the urban environment in Campi Flegrei, with particular attention to the hill of Posillipo and the island of Procida. The contemporary image of these areas, result of numerous urban transformations, it is well delineated by documentary, iconographic and bibliographic sources, such as the historical guides of Carlo Celano and Francesco Alvino in the case of the Posillipo Hill and the travel reports of foreing authors such as Turpin de Crissé and local historians such as Michele Parascandola and Michele Parascandolo in the case of Procida. In this way, not only the landscape descriptions that demonstrate the persistence of tree essences and the resistance to change, but also anthropological aspects linked to local folklore, such as religious celebrations, in particular the feast of San Michele Arcangelo and that of Corpus Domini.

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