Vol. 3 Núm. 1 (2022): The Rise of Mimetic Theory - On Violence and the Sacred
The Rise of Mimetic Theory - On Violence and the Sacred
Número completo
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Marco Stucchi##common.commaListSeparator##Tania Checchi
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Goodhart Sandor
Violence and the Sacred at Fifty: Mimetic Desire, the Scapegoat Mechanism, and its Destructive Revelation
pdf (English)
Paul Dumouchel
Sacrifice and the Sacred
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Giuseppe Fornari
Striving for Theoretical Recognition: Violence and the Sacred by René Girard
pdf (English)
Jeremiah Alberg
What the Text Omits: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and Violence and the Sacred
pdf (English)
Stephane Vinolo
Le statut du réalisme dans La violence et le sacré de René Girard
pdf (English)
Silvio Morigi
Λέγειν / Κρίνειν. The violent origins of logos and a paradox in the writing of the Gospels
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Gianfranco Mormino
“The system truly comes first”. Culture and biology in Girard’s analysis of kinship
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Maria Stella Barberi
Misconoscimento e santità della vittima espiatoria
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Fabio Bacchini##common.commaListSeparator##Ivan Blečić##common.commaListSeparator##Paul Dumouchel##common.commaListSeparator##Emanuel Muroni
Carving Spaces: Violence and the Sacred
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Pierpaolo Antonello
Archeologie della sovranità e politiche del sacro
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Tania Checchi
Violent Plasticity: a Phenomenological and Mimetic Approach to Art and Myth
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Chelsea Jordan King
Distorted Relations: Engaging Mimetic Theory with Feminist Re-Configurations of Sin
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Damiano Bondi
Man is how he eats. Vegetarianism and animalism in a religious perspective
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