The Enlightened Reflection. Kant and the Philosophical Care for Reason

  • Giulio Goria
Parole chiave: Orienting-in, thought, reflection, criticism, reason, boundary.


The paper intends to investigate the task that Kant assigns to reason to orient itself in thought. For understanding the meaning of this task, we utilize reflection as the means to carry forward as best as possible the self-reflective nature of reason. What status does reflection assume, then? And what function does it perform in determining especially the activity of philosophy and the philosopher? We therefore propose a reading in which reflection in transcendental philosophy cannot be separated from the practical use of reason, and indeed reason, insofar as it is reflective, primarily indicates a conduct of thought oriented toward the care of supreme ends.

Come citare
Goria, G. (2025). The Enlightened Reflection. Kant and the Philosophical Care for Reason. Aisthesis, 18(2), 143-157.
Spaces of Reason