Il fenomenologo e il Guardador de Rebanhos. Husserl eteronimo di Pessoa

  • Emanuele Mariani Università degli Studi di Bologna
Parole chiave: Husserl, Pessoa, intuition, dogma, heteronymism


There has been no shortage of attempts to bring Fernando Pessoa and Edmund Husserl together by interpreting the poetics of the one in the light of the philosophy of the other, albeit with due caution given the total lack of contact between the two and the obvious diversity of intentions. However, the results have been mostly negative, and the interpreters have essentially opted to highlight the limits of Husserlian phenomenology in comparison with the «absolute objectivism» of the verses of Alberto Caeiro, the «neo-pagan» poet whom Fernando Pessoa calls the «master» of his heteronyms. However, we believe that a different reading is possible, without denying the unbridgeable gap that separates Edmund Husserl and Fernando Pessoa alias Alberto Caeiro, because of the principle that underlies both the poetic and the phenomenological attitude: «pure vision».

Come citare
Mariani, E. (2024). Il fenomenologo e il Guardador de Rebanhos. Husserl eteronimo di Pessoa. Aisthesis, 17(1), 339-361.