Kant and Space as Event

  • Edoardo De Santis
Keywords: Essence, law, practice, space, understanding.


This text aims to highlight the specific practical value of Kantian philosophy starting from its reflection on space. The representation of space determines a reversal of the terms of reference between state jurisdiction and the free will of the subject. The latter is sensitive to any performative instance coming from outside, which represents the very meaning of its passage through historical time as a sentient entity. It is precisely the mastery authorized by the understanding of the abyssal character of one’s own existence that opens to a potentially all-encompassing praxis, as freedom to act in the world starting from the imposition of the categorical imperative in the horizon of moral law. The free will of the individual becomes a worldly praxis adhering to the ethical law that identifies the relationship of reciprocal implication between knowledge of man and knowledge of the world.

How to Cite
De Santis, E. (2025). Kant and Space as Event. Aisthesis, 18(2), 177-189. https://doi.org/10.7413/2035-8466031
Subject and World