Il programma neoliberale delle smart cities europee. Analisi di un’innovazione conservatrice

Come citare

Mutchinick, J. (2023). Il programma neoliberale delle smart cities europee. Analisi di un’innovazione conservatrice. Mechane, (4), 45-66. Recuperato da


Understood as an urban environment characterised by data-centred systems and networked technologies, the Smart city is increasingly present in EU urban policies. In this paper we prove that the Smart city is a conservative urban development paradigm. Based on an analysis of the current EU policy agenda and the practices of designing, building and using digitised urban systems, we aim to shed light on the replication dynamics of neoliberal strategies implemented by different Smart City actors in the EU. In particular, we investigate the fundamental characteristics of digitised systems in Europe, with a view to highlighting that the progressive adoption of state-of-the-art systems, which optimises urban processes, hinges on the validation and reinvigoration of the existing neoliberal political agenda.
