Le poison d’une âme vénéneuse. Envie et mauvais oeil entre médecine, philosophie naturelle et théologie (XIIe-XVe siècle)
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passions of the soul
action at a distance
natural philosophy

How to Cite

Delaurenti, B. (1). Le poison d’une âme vénéneuse. Envie et mauvais oeil entre médecine, philosophie naturelle et théologie (XIIe-XVe siècle). Itinerari, (LXI/1), 37-55. https://doi.org/10.7413/2036-9484050


How could a look of envy be a weapon of annihilation of the body of the envied person? This case of action at a distance led medieval scholars to formalise a certain type of relationship between emotion (personally experienced) and destruction (of the other). The article examines the sources of scholastic reasoning on fascination / evil eye, namely Avicenna and Algazel, Ancient literature, Medieval encyclopedias and Salernitan texts. Then it studies the 13th- to 15th-century doctrinal constructions that explore the relationship between the evil eye and envy. Two complementary perspectives are identified: a psychological-theological way that emphasizes the harmful effects of envy from a pastoral point of view, without explaining how the passions of the soul can have an effect on external bodies, and a naturalist way, inspired by medical literature, that explains the action at a distance of the fascinator’s soul according to the pattern of the spread of diseases by contagion.

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