Ripensare la teodicea. In discussione con Marco Ivaldo a proposito di un libro recente sul male


Ethics, Evil, German Idealism, Ivaldo, Theodicy

How to Cite

Valenza, P. (2023). Ripensare la teodicea. In discussione con Marco Ivaldo a proposito di un libro recente sul male. B@belonline, 10, 199-209.


The paper focuses on the suggestions to rethink theodicy that can be drawn from the discussion of evil offered by the great philosophers of German criticism and idealism: Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel. It does this by following Marco Ivaldo’s exposition in his recent book On Evil. Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel and accompanying this exposition with own suggestions and reflections. In Kant and Fichte, a reinterpretation in a moral key of the problem of evil dominates, but one that invests the communitarian dimension as a possible response. Here a reconsideration of the highest good may offer a possibility of understanding the ransom of physical evil seemingly overlooked. In Schelling and Hegel, evil appears to be rendered functional to good, in a view that in Schelling, however, emphasizes the dramatic character of the choice for good or evil, and in Hegel presents aspects that allow for an approximation to the moral reinterpretations of transcendental philosophy.