Oltre la filosofia e il nichilismo: verso una prassi postumana


Nihilism, Philosophy of Life, Posthuman, Praxis, Relational Ontology

How to Cite

Ferrando, F., & Macelloni, M. (2023). Oltre la filosofia e il nichilismo: verso una prassi postumana. B@belonline, 10, 35-42. https://doi.org/10.7413/2531-8624004


This dialogue between Francesca Ferrando and Manuela Macelloni highlights how posthumanism shifts the hermeneutical possibilities of the human condition, leading to new life practices. Posthumanism is currently emerging as a praxis. What are these practices? What are the generative possibilities that posthumanism offers to us? Can we think of presents and futures beyond the nihilistic trajectories of the Anthropocene?
