Kant and the Spectre of War

  • Félix Duque
Keywords: peace; war; equality; Kant


The aim of this paper is to arouse suspicion about the latent meaning and scope of Kant’s essay Towards a perpetual peace, regarding his idea of an abstract equality, which can begin to annul individual men, different from each other (each differing even from each other, within each other), in the name of an imaginary Man kath’exochén: a Free Being, Equal, Subject to the Law. Subject, of course, to a Law that he repeats and recites over and over again: Freedom, Equality, Subjection.

How to Cite
Duque, F. (2025). Kant and the Spectre of War. Aisthesis, 18(2), 209-226. https://doi.org/10.7413/2035-8466034
Subject and World