Can Painting Evoke the Kantian Sublime?
pdf (English)

Parole chiave

Artistic sublime, natural sublime, Immanuel Kant, painting, beauty

Come citare

Clewis, R. (2024). Can Painting Evoke the Kantian Sublime?. Aesthetica Preprint, (124), 31-54. Recuperato da


Can painting evoke an experience of the sublime, understood in terms adopted by Kant in the Critique of the Power of Judgment? I will present three considerations that imply that painting cannot evoke the Kantian sublime. I then indicate some problems with each consideration. In the process, I explain how some paintings might evoke an experience of the sublime, even when painting is understood in terms of an eighteenth-century European context and conception of painting. In order to illustrate the phenomenology of sublime responses to paintings, I conclude with two examples. I thereby aim to show the real possibility of the Kantian sublime in response to painting.

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