Studi Politici MIM Edizioni Srl it-IT Studi Politici I nunzi pontifici e la diplomazia parallela del granduca Ferdinando I (1587-1609) <p>The article investigates the unofficial and informal dimension of Ferdinand I’s European diplomacy, analysing the correspondence sent by the papal nuncios, resident in Florence, to the Secretariat of State in Rome. On the one hand, the nuncios’ letters highlighted the role of figures linked to international trade and finance, such as Girolamo Gondi, Orazio Rucellai and Neri Giraldi. On the other hand, in the correspondence sent to Rome, the unofficial diplomatic function of ecclesiastical men such as Cardinal Alessandro de’ Medici and Carlo Antonio Dal Pozzo emerged. In addition, the same Cardinal Alessandro together with Don Giovanni de’ Medici gives tangible evidence of the centrality of the family element within the covert diplomatic action performed by Ferdinando. Therefore, the Roman observatory constituted by the nuncios makes it possible to outline a first provisional and insightful synthesis of the men, instances and roles of Ferdinand’s articulate parallel diplomacy.</p> Francesco Vitali Copyright (c) 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 1 Il contributo della Gran Bretagna all’Unione Monetaria Europea: il progetto dell’hard Ecu <p>The literature dedicated to Margaret Thatcher described her cabinet’s opposition to the European monetary union as the clearest evidence of Britain’s aversion to the supranational development of the European economic community. This research intends to provide an alternative and original vision of the position of the Uk towards monetary union. The core of this text is the description of the hard Ecu plan, which was presented by Great Britain to the Eec in 1990. The scant literature on this subject has described the hard Ecu as an alternative plan to monetary union. Conversely, the aim of this research is to clarify that this project was a real experiment in the direction of the single currency, representing an intermediate step towards the constitution of the euro. This research is made possible by the wide availability of recently declassified documents contained in important archives such as The National Archives, the Margaret Thatcher Foundation and the Historical Archives of the Eu.</p> Andrea Volpe Copyright (c) 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 1 Quando e perché l’Italia processò la Resistenza <p>From 1948 to the early Sixties, in the courtrooms of the new democratic Italy, a criminalization of the Resistance took place, destined to have a strong effect for a long time on the civil conscience of the Nation. The post-war judiciary system, largely compromised by the fascist regime, judged as murderers, terrorists, criminals those partisans who engaged in the guerrilla warfare against the Nazi-fascism, developed above all in the North of the Peninsula between 1943 and 1945. The trial of the Resistance celebrated by the courts after the radiant dawn of April 25th continued to influence public debate for decades, disseminating distortions, manipulations, myths and tendentious and instrumental clichés which ended up being commonly accepted by public opinion. In the political diary of the years 1944-1945 published at the end of December 1945, Giulio Andreotti, a very close collaborator of the Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi, analysed the painful existence of the Governments formed by the National Liberation Committee.</p> Pio Eugenio Di Rienzo Copyright (c) 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 1 Ludwig von Mises e l’azione umana come piano senza storia <p>The theoretical trajectory of Ludwig von Mises goes from human action to what he calls “planning for freedom”. Starting from a political definition of plan-based thought, and explaining why Mises’ work is an essential part of its history, the essay analyzes four main concepts i.e. individual, human action, government planning and market planning, discussing the role of history in Mises’ theory of social cooperation and economic calculation. The definition of human action as individual planning, the conception of the market as a social body and the centrality of social cooperation lead Mises to a redefinition of the concept of planning that while revealing political contradictions, opens new questions and insights to think the nowadays reappraisal of plan-based thought.</p> Roberta Ferrari Copyright (c) 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 1 “Voce” e “Ascolto”. Un piccolo contributo al dibattito sulla libertà di parola <p>In this short essay we will seek to make only a small contribution to the debate in an attempt to address the problem of control and abuse of freedom of expression by resorting to two strongly interrelated categories: the “voice” and the “hearing”. Categories not thought of in their merely biological sensory function, but taken in their more properly political, legal, ethical and social value.</p> Tito Marci Copyright (c) 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 1 I liberali russi a Parigi dopo il 1917: verso una coscienza giuridica cosmopolita <p>The Russian liberal emigration to Paris after 1917 loomed up an interesting case study. The relationship with France delineated both a kind of libertarian alter-ego, with which the Russian liberal exponents were confronted, as the main geographical landing place of the search for liberty inside and outside of the Russian empire prey of Bolshevism. Although Paris was the context in which the original liberal dissent broke out, through the split of the Constitutional-Democratic Party, in the background of the end of the First World War, a certain emigration of jurists from Imperial Russia had the opportunity to take part, together with French jurists in Paris, in the urgent emergence of a proto-humanitarian law and in the debate over the organisation of peaceful coexistence between states that would be more fully developed only after the Second World War. French-Russian jurists realised an unexpected harmony through the principle of the integrity of the person and in a broader sense the safeguarding of the weak.</p> Renata Gravina Copyright (c) 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 1 La diaspora maghrebina in Europa e la ridefinizione identitaria <p>The essay aims to analyse the Maghreb diaspora in Europe through a historical perspective. In the aftermath of the independence of Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria, a wave of migration towards European countries took place, resulting in the settlement of Muslim-majority communities. Within these communities, a dramatic dilemma soon emerged as a consequence of the clash between the conflicting concepts of the ‘Islamic Umma’, which unites people of Muslim faith, and of the ‘nation-state’ that tends to create identity divisions. In this framework, the second and third generations of Maghrebi origin, who are the result of profound changes in the international scenario (Gulf Wars, Twin Towers attack, Daesh), have struggled to redefine their identity.</p> Leila El Houssi Copyright (c) 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 1 Nuove prospettive per la storia dell’Europa dell’età moderna <p>The field of early modern European history has long been a site of methodological innovation, thanks to the Annales school, then microhistory and cultural history. Early modern scholarship has abandoned the notion of modernization in favor of a focus on competing modernities, on the contingency of their development, and on the permeability of cultures as they came into greater contact in an increasingly globalized world. Most recently, an emphasis on practices of interaction and interdependence and on histories of knowledge are signs of the continued vitality of early modern European history.</p> Ann Blair Copyright (c) 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 1 Per una storia del «diritto di correzione» <p>This text presents the project that led to the publication of the Dictionnaire du fouet et de la fessée. Corriger et punir (2022), dedicated to educational and punitive violence from antiquity to the present day, mainly in the European context. In ancient societies, the use of force in the domestic sphere and the punishment inflicted on women, children, servants, slaves, schoolchildren or animals were not considered reprehensible acts but a means of maintaining the proper order of society. The dictionary examines these coercive practices from specific objects (tools, notions, places, cultural productions, etc.) and shows how they were gradually regarded as violence and became the object of legal prohibitions. The “right of correction”, long upheld by the converging interests of political and religious authorities and family fathers, is now being called into question, with the state posing as protector of the weakest and bulwark of public order.</p> Isabelle Poutrin Élisabeth Lusset Copyright (c) 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 1 Processi di urbanizzazione e implicazioni ambientali. Uno sguardo storico sulle peculiarità del caso Roma <p>Over the last two centuries, urbanization processes have had multiple environmental impacts, at local and global level. Nevertheless, cities were initially neglected by environmental history. After having retraced how the attention of some scholars in this new field of study has shifted from “agroecosystems” to “urban ecosystems”, the essay focuses on Italy and highlights that Rome constitutes a peculiar case study. Although essentially configured as a bureaucratic and service city, indeed, the “eternal city” is afflicted by a series of environmental problems, which have their roots in its history and are strictly connected with its “like wildfire” expansion.</p> Claudio Brillanti Copyright (c) 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 1 Recensioni <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> Luca Micheletta Edoardo Girardi Jacopo Moretti Giulia Bianchi Deborah Natale Francesco Romano Fraioli Fulvia Giachetti Andrea Lucchini Sara Marilungo Michaela Valente Copyright (c) 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 1